25 September 2006

Flitting between Cities

Travelling has,somehow ,become a part of my life.In the last 3 years, I have moved from one city to another, trying to take in whatever that city throws at me - in terms of people,climate,attitudes and culture. Starting from Panaji,Goa(where I worked !) ,moving on to Pune , to Chennai, to Bangalore,to Gurgaon-Delhi and now Bangalore again -(of course with trips to Mumbai thrown in from time to time) its been a great ride.

One thing travel gives you is a perspective.About how things are different in different cities - though unique and sometimes,necessary in their own way.The other thing it gives you is allegiance to that city. So when someone in Delhi says something about Chennai (or vice versa) which does not make sense - then you rise to that city's defence -because you have stayed there,and you know its not really true. Its a natural bond one forms with a city when one stays there and mingles with its people.Tough to explain.

So when one has to go back to a particular city again - it brings back fond memories.Your mind goes back to the great times you had there,not so long ago.Though you know,this time around - it'll bring you a whole new experience - you might meet a different set of people and have new things to talk about.Its this factor of the unknown - the ambiguous - that I love about travelling.

Have to keep travelling.Lots more to see. Lots more people to meet.Lots more experiences to have.

P.S.: Moving back to Gurgaon soon.New role,same company.New people.Different experiences?You bet.